Monday, August 30, 2010

12/24 Karol Bagh - 30th August 2010 Episode Written Update

Part 1:
The episode begins at 12/24 with Simi in the kitchen with her surroundings set on fire. Mili is standing near her making self-satisfied, eveil faces. In the living room, everyone else is unaware of what's happening to Simi. RS is angry and wants to confront Mr. and Mrs. Mathur, but Manju stops him and pulls him aside. He angrily demands, Manjuji, why do you keep trying to dissuade me from asking any questions? Suddenly Mili screams, Simi di! Ma, Papaji, come quickly! RS and Manju rush into the kitchen followed by Abhi, Vishal, and the Mathurs. Mili puts on an act of trying to save Simi. Abhi douses the flames with a huge cand of water. When the fire is out, Simi looks at the remnants and then at Mili incredulously.
In the next sceene, Manju is crying and Mrs. Mathur tries to comfort her, saying she has never seen one sister risk her life to save another sister and that Mili is so brave and strong. RS and Abhi come out of the room Mili is staying in and walk the doctor to the front door. The doctor tells them there is nothing to worry about, Mili will be just fine. RS pays the doctor his fees and sends him on his way. The doctor tells Abhi to be sure and get Simi the medicine he prescribed for her. After the doctor leaves, Mr. and Mrs. Mathur also bid goodbye and tell the Sethis ist's late and they should get some rest. Mrs. Mathur calls for Vishal but RS tells her he's with Mili. He wishes the Mathurs a good night and they leave. RS is still angry at the Mathurs for the accusations Mili made about them mistreating her.

Part 2:
Mili is sitting in her room with Vishal. Both of hands are wrapped in bandages. She feigns tears and concern for Simi and says, I don't know what would've happened to poor Simi di if I had not been in the kitchen today to save her! Vishal is pensive, but manages a smile and says, Mili you've jumping through firery hoops ever since you were little, whether it was in the form of words or actions. Mili smiles. Vishal apologizes to Mili and says, you are such a decent human being that you risked your life to save your sister's life even though that sister hurt and insulted you so much!
I'm sorry for not believing you and instead getting influenced by Simi di. I don't know what came over me. Mili grins, knowing Vishal is falling for her scheme completely. She sweetly says, Vishal may I have five minutes to speak with my mom, then I will leave with you. Vishal is confused and Mili replies, the pag phere ritual is over so I can go home with you. My parents haven't eaten anything and I doubt they will eat here, so I will go home with you and make them something to eat there. Vishal tells her to stay at 12/24 since her parents need her right now and she had planned on staying anyway. Mili is grinning like a chesire cat, but her smile fades when Vishal offers to stay back with her. She thinks fast and then says, no Vishal. If you stay here then your parents will be all alone. You should be with them right now. Besides, you also have to prepare for your economic development course too, right? Vishal dumbly falls her Mili's excuses and agrees to leave, but meekly asks if he can come visit Mili at 12/24. Mili butters him up by telling him she would like it very much if he visited her. He says goodbye and after he leaves, Mili smiles cunningly at the sucess of her plans.
In Simbhi's room, poor Simi is sitting on the bed crying and remembering the fire incident. Abhi comes and sits in front of her to comfort her. He tells here he is so grateful that nothing happened to her and she is alright. Simi mumbles, Mili...Mili...Abhi tells Simi she is still in shock and needs to rest. Simi doesn't budge from her spot and instead tearfully says, Mili risked her life to save to me. What if something had happened to her? I would never have been able to forgive myself! Abhi looks uncomfortable to hear Simi praising Mili. Simi goes on to recount times from her childhood when Mili would defend her and Neetu against the neighborhood bullies. Simi requests Abhi to thank Mili for saving her today. Abhi replies that he doesn't think he will be able to do that because he's not convinced that what happened was just an accident.

Part 3:
Mili is asleep in her bed and Manju comes and sits beside her, patting her head gently. Mili wakes up and smiles and Manju asks her if she needs anything. Manju tells Mili she would like to sleep beside her brave child tonight. Manju gets emotional and says, what if something had happened to you, Mili? Mili again starts talking about her act of saving Simi and pretends to be very concerned for Simi. She then instructs Manju not to tell Neetu and Anita what happened, since they are both pregnant and worrying is not good for their unborn babies. Manju remarks that Mili is so self-less and always puts others' needs ahead of her own. Mili uses this opportunity to inform Manju that she will be staying at 12/24 indefinitely since Vishal insisted and thought RS and Manju would like it. Manju is very happy and blesses Vishal. Mili lays back and sleeps peacfully, a wide grin on her face.
In the living room. Abhi paces and tries to deduce what actually happened in the kitchen. Simi walks by, carrying pillows and blankets in her arms. Abhi stops her and begs her to listen to him for a moment. He then explains that after the way Mili's behaviour has been towards her and him for the past one month, why would she suddenly change overnight? Surely something is not right. Simi replies that she thinks Mili is genuinely trying to change and they should give her the benefit of the doubt. Abhi disagrees and they have a mini argument after which Simi walks away, telling Abhi: now you are not only suspecting Mili but accusing her too. That's not right. Simi announces that she is going to sleep in Mili's room tonight. Abhi is stunned.

Part 4:
Simi enters Mili's room and sees Manju there. She requests her mom to go back to sleep in her own room and she (Simi) will sleep with Mili. Simi says she's going to the kitchen to make lemonade for Mili and she'll be right back. Manju goes to her room. When both women leave, Mili opens her eyes and pops up out of bed. She smiles smugly, thinking how esily she has her whole family wrapped around her little finger. Abhi comes in the room and catches Mili smiling and enjoying her supposed victory. He glares at her angrily. Mili asks him, have you come to thank me for saving your precious Simi's life? If so, I'd rather you don't say anything to me at all. Abhi is fuming, and after a brief pause, he says: first of all, I have not come to thank you for anything. I only want to know how the fire got started and what actually happened. Mili challenges him to go and ask Simi herself; afterall, Simi was the one cooking in the kitchen all day. Abhi snaps, yes, but just minutes before Simi entered the kitchen, YOU were there, Mili! (he points his finger in her face). Mili squints her eyes at Abhi and pretends she has no clue what he's referring to. Then she turns on her crocodile tears and says, are you accusing me of trying to burn Simi? Do you think I am actually capable of doing such a thing? Simi walks in the room at this point and hears everything. She looks at Abhi with annoyance and at Mili with sympathy. Mili cries and whines to Simi that Abhi is accusing her of trying to burn her own sister. She says, I know you are angry with me Simi Di, but do you honestly think I'm capable of such a horrendous act? I am sorry for the misunderstandings created between you and Abhi. I know I'm responsible for all of that, but I'm trying to change, I really am! Vishal has forgiven me and is giving me another chance, won't you do the same? Di, I would rather give my own life than let even a scratch come to you. Simi hugs Mili and says, don't say such a thing, my child. As Simi pats Mili's head, she glares at Abhi, clearly believing Mili over him. (Dead Angry).
Abhi leaves the room in disgust, as Mili continues her act with Simi and falsely swears on Simi that she is really trying to atone for her bad behaviour. Simi coddles her and helps her sip the lemonade. She then hugs Mili again and tells her she is proud to see her old Mili back, the one who puts others ahead of herself. Mili gives an evil grin which Simi obviously does not see.
Meanwhile in Simbhi's room, Abhi settles into bed and closes his eyes to sleep. The room is dark and the door opens slowly. Mili creeps into the room and stands next to the bed (Abhi' face is turned the other way). Mili begins jingling her bangles near Abhi's ear and he wakes up and smiles, thinking Simi has come to him. He says, I knew you would return because you cannot sleep without me. I love you! Mili hears this and becomes ecstatic with joy, thinking Abhi is saying 'I love you' to her. Episode ends.

Precap: Mili hands Simi a glass of juice and Simi is about to take a sip. Abhi comes in the room and shouts, no Simi! Don't drink that juice. Mili has mixed rat poison in it. Simi is shocked.


Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

sona said...
