Monday, December 6, 2010

Danish Development Research Assistance, Call for Applications 2011 Denmark

Within the framework of Danish development assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark hereby invites applications for research grants related to development research.

Scholarship Details:

The objective of the support is to generate knowledge in order to promote the overall objective of the Danish development assistance to reduce poverty and support sustainable development.
Grants will be awarded to research projects generating new knowledge relevant to the needs and strategies of the developing countries and relevant to Denmark's development assistance. Furthermore, it is important that the research contribute to the research capacity building in developing countries.

Application Details:

The themes as described with each their headline should explicitly and to the greatest extent possible be addressed and accommodated in the application. The implication is that for Theme 1, the impact of the research proposed should explicitly be linked to the issue of Climate and Climate Change, while for Theme 2 the focus is on Economic Growth and for theme 3 on Fragile States and how the research proposed may contribute to an improved understanding of factors affecting peace and stability. The text following each theme provides indicative examples only.

In 2011, the following research themes are of particular interest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of their relevance to development.

Application Submission Details:
Applications can only be submitted by an organisation, such as a governmental institution, business enterprise or private organisation in Denmark. The main applicant must be attached to the Danish organisation, which will be responsible for the approved project.

Applications must be:

Larger strategic research programmes (> DKK 5 million) with substantive elements of capacity building and with focus on national priorities and ownership in developing countries.

Phd Position Details:

In addition, a limited number of individual PhD and post-doc applications covering a single researcher can be funded. In 2011 the amount available for individual research projects will be limited to around 10 mill. DKK and applicants applying for PhD grants are recommended to provide proof of co-funding arrangements.

All larger strategic research applications will to go through a prequalification process.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
Deadline for prequalification applications for larger strategic projects will be Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 12.00 noon. The conclusions of the prequalification process will be known before the end of January 2011.
Deadline for larger strategic prequalified projects will be Friday March 18, 2011 at 12.00 noon.
Deadline for individual PhD and post-doc applications will be Friday February 11, 2011 at 12.00 noon.

Further Details:
For further information about this scholarship visit below link.

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